Sunday, 22 September 2013

Cres to Krk to Rab

Today we leave Cres and take a ferry to the island of Krk -- the largest island in Croatia.  Then from the ferry port near Krk town we travel across Krk island to Baska.  From Baska we will take a charter boat to Rab island.  Then from there we cycle to our hotel near Rab town.

The first leg from Cres to the ferry port went without incident.  Quite a bit of climbing out of Cres, but a nice descent into the ferry port on the other side of the island.  We had no problem, but apparently some of the later riders encountered strong Bora winds that made the descent quite interesting.  The Bora winds can be incredibly strong here this time of year. They can stop all ferry traffic to and from the island.  The places that we stayed were beginning to wind down for the season because in a few more weeks the islands would be isolated for weeks at a time by the boras.
Connie roaring into the ferry terminal on Cres island

Mike coming into the ferry terminal on Cres island
The ferry ride over to Krk island was short.  Once we got to Krk island most of the group took the scenic route through the town of Krk.  Valerie and I wimped out and skipped the town and headed directly for the outgoing ferry port at Baska.  It was a bit of a slog over the ridge, but we had a nice lunch near the top with some great views.
View from Krk island looking north.
From there we (mostly) descended into the port near Baska.  There is no ferry from Krk to Pag so we had to use a charter boat to take us and the bikes to Pag and the support vehicle would have to take the long way around and meet us there later.  We did have some logistics problems and had to wait about 1.5 hours for the crew for our boat to show up.  Then the boat trip took another 1.5 hour, putting us in fairly late.
Terry, Damijan, Mike, Bernie, Diane, Paddy and Diana hanging out in Baska waiting for a boat.

Lynn, Damijan, Diane, Bernie and Valerie boarding our boat -- the moby dick

Sharon and I with our matching kerchiefs aboard the Moby Dick
All in all it was a nice afternoon, but we still had another 20 Km to go once we landed on Pag island.  But we made good time despite a nasty little hill right before the hotel.  The hotel was was in a beautiful location. Too bad we didn't have more time to look around since it was nearly sundown when we arrived.
View from our hotel room in Rab.
Tomorrow we do another 2 ferries to go from Rab island to Pag island.

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